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 The Mafias roles

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panda stomper 85

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Join date : 2009-02-15

The Mafias roles Empty
PostSubject: The Mafias roles   The Mafias roles EmptySun Feb 15, 2009 4:30 pm

[quote=GabboUK]You are Mafia Aligned Don

The Big Cheese. The leader of the pack. It’s your job to control the team and make sure the operation runs smoothly. You will have a certain number of abilities to aide you in this. Firstly, you have a one time frame ability. Just PM me a players name and a person in your team and they will be shown carrying out your scum business at night instead of your player. It’s like a one night only brainwashing. They won’t know what happened, only if people decipher the write-ups or that player is watcher/tracked etc.

Secondly, you’re bulletproof, meaning you won’t be able to be killed at night, ever. To top this off, if investigated you will come up town.

Thirdly, with no designated hitman, each night you will chose someone in your team to go out to kill, that person will forego their ability for the night. You are free to choose yourself.

Lastly, there’s a traitor in the midst. Someone in the town wins only if your scum group win. They know who everyone in the scum group, but you don’t know them. It’s their job to steer lynches away from your guys, they will appear town upon investigation and watching/trackings etc, everything! At any point during the game you can recruit them to become a full fledged member of your group, however they lose all their ‘town’ disguise and become like any other member of your group. Just PM me ‘recruit’ any night you want to call him into your group. If you recruit, you can not kill that night.

To be honest, I don’t need to give you any advice, you’re more than capable of doing a great job on your own. Obviously don’t recruit straight away, try to let the player become a confirmed townie and try to let him save your team from lynches. However, if you do have any questions at any point during the game PM me, I’ll offer my advice.

You may communicate with your team-mates
Lone Wolf nWo, he is Mafia Aligned Bus Driver
Glomp, he is Mafia Aligned Roleblocker

You win when the mafia equals or outnumbers the town.

PM me with any questions you may have about your role.

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The Mafias roles Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mafias roles   The Mafias roles EmptySun Feb 15, 2009 6:41 pm


You are Mafia Aligned Roleblocker

This role allows you to roleblock someone each and every night. PM their name to me and it will prevent them from using their ability at night.

Being mafia there are obvious targets for you, watchers, trackers, investigators and killers.

You may communicate with
Spikerdude, he is Mafia Aligned Don
Lone Wolf nWo, he is Mafia Aligned Bus Driver

You win when the mafia equals or outnumbers the town.

PM me with any questions you may have about your role.

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panda stomper 85

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Join date : 2009-02-15

The Mafias roles Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mafias roles   The Mafias roles EmptySun Feb 15, 2009 6:42 pm

your nightmare from neo?
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The Mafias roles Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mafias roles   The Mafias roles EmptySun Feb 15, 2009 6:46 pm

panda stomper 85 wrote:
your nightmare from neo?

Maybe ... think it through. What if this forum gets discovered by another player that isn't a part of our group.

Make sense? I hope so. Don't say who I am, it should be obvious anyway.
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panda stomper 85

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The Mafias roles Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mafias roles   The Mafias roles EmptySun Feb 15, 2009 6:49 pm

lol, yeah glomp, that's not cool it won't get doscovered
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The Mafias roles Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mafias roles   The Mafias roles EmptySun Feb 15, 2009 6:51 pm

panda stomper 85 wrote:
lol, yeah glomp, that's not cool it won't get doscovered

*facepalm*, did I not just say don't say my name ... I guess it matters not if the forum won't get spotted but I thought my plan was pretty sneaky nonetheless.
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panda stomper 85

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Join date : 2009-02-15

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PostSubject: Re: The Mafias roles   The Mafias roles EmptySun Feb 15, 2009 6:52 pm

Yeah i know, that's why i did it
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Posts : 33
Join date : 2009-02-16

The Mafias roles Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Mafias roles   The Mafias roles EmptyMon Feb 16, 2009 1:03 am

[quote=GabboUK]You are Mafia Aligned Bus Driver

Each night you PM me the name of two players you want to bus drive. They will be switched from their night phase position and will suffer each other's targeting.

You have a very useful role. You can change how the game develops. If the town vig or another important role is outed during the day (that you want to kill), switch him with someone you suspect is town. Therefore if any town protects him they will protect the person you bus drive him with, then the Mafia can target the vig via bus driving.

Hypothetically, Player A is outed as the town vig. Mafia chose to Bus Driver Player A and Player B. Player M protects Player A thinking they are the vig. Mafia switch A and B and target B for the kill. End result has Mafia killing the important role whilst the protector protects someone else.

You could even redirect people to the PGO, should he be outed.

You don’t have to use this, for example if you think one of your team has come under pressure and may be killed in the day switch them with a town, so the kill hits town. Just be creative, this is a powerful role.

You may communicate with
Spikerdude, he is Mafia Aligned Don
Glomp, he is Mafia Aligned Roleblocker

You win when the mafia equals or outnumbers the town.

PM me with any questions you may have about your role.

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